Simply Superior Naturally Nutritious King’s Wellington Description: Succulent, rich patty, coated with French Dijon Mustard and wrapped in smoked vegan bacon and enveloped in beautiful Vegan Puff Pastry. […]
These past few years posed challenges but here at King’s, we held on to our mission of making the plant-based way of eating more accessible to more people. We’ve continued […]
Our customers are thrilled to find that getting our products has become so much easier due to better availability in more retail grocery stores. We have worked hard to service […]
This year is definitely one of those special times that will leave a permanent mark on history. After all, this pandemic surpasses any we have seen on a global scale! […]
Believing in ever moving forward, King’s is proud to announce our newest products — all of them delectable and valuable additions to the home vegan menu. Introducing the first of […]